Demos In Review

"It's like, just go for it.  What ya gotta loose?  You only gotta gain."  "Be generous with your crazy, random brush strokes"  And he started dancing and singing his crazy, random brush stroke song!  Contemporary abstract painter, Dan McBride once again demonstrated the unexpected process...

Meg Davenport taught a rousing class last Saturday, "Making Pies is Like Teaching Classes - The Proof is in the Practice." Many questions were answered about teaching classes, demos & workshops. It got everyone thinking! Thanks, Meg!!...

Julia Cairns put on a very informative demo, showing us how to use "negative space", and painting "outside the box", exploring watercolor in a whole new way. The demo was enthusiastically received. Thanks, Julia!!...

Sharon Rose Dozar gave an inspirational demo, sharing ways to connect to our intuitive, creative selves. The demo was enthusiastically received. Thanks, Sharon Rose!!...

Francisco demonstrated Encaustics with his typical flair, and he drew a great crowd. It was a good day to be at an ARTSpot demo! Here are some tips from the master. Thanks, Francisco!!...

Paul gave a wonderful demonstration on Saturday, and to a full-house to boot! His explanations were right on, and very informative. And everyone went away with a new outlook, and powerful knowledge. Thanks a bunch, Paul!!...

It was great to learn about travel watercolor and how to be prepared and ready to paint! Jim Gensheer's presentation was thorough and well attended. And now, we're all ready to pack it up and head out to paint! Thanks so much,...

Artist and instructor, Jeanne Hyland, explained new materials and showed samples of the myriad possibilities available to artists working in water-based media so that they can easily create and prepare artwork for display without traditional matting and glass framing. She followed that with a short...

Richard Welker gave a wonderful demo this Saturday, and everyone joined in making mandalas. Here's a way to create a personal mandala that has intentional healing properties. Thanks Richard!!...

Midwest Artist, Ginnie Cappaert, shared her thoughts and process on her art and the importance of layers in this well-attended demo. Ginnie stressed the effects that layers can have on your artwork, no matter what medium you work in....

No, it's not surgery at Artisans, it's just marble dust and plaster. What a great Demo Sandra put on at Artisan, and she put the demo in a nutshell for us, and here it is....

The popup session was really fantastic. Lots of people attended, and everyone got really into it and created their own individual 3D explorations. Sally put the demo in a nutshell for us, and here it is. ...

This lecture presentation emphasized Natures input on our thinking and making of things, encouraging us to "Remember what we know" and "Trust what gives us meaning."...

James' talk, in a nutshell: Grey sky, grey snow; Blue sky, blue snow. "Snow is frozen water. When it is laying on the ground it's a lot like looking at a lake reflecting whats going on in the sky....

Bette Ridgeway spoke on Marketing. In a nutshell: The time of the gatekeepers is OVER! Everyone can start now to network and share information and broaden their focus of their own vision of themselves...