Rough Yet Smooth: April 13, 2013

Rough Yet Smooth: April 13, 2013

Rough Yet Smooth: An Extraordinarily Versatile Pastel Surface
with Paul Murray!

Demo in Review


Paul gave a wonderful demonstration on Saturday, and to a full-house to boot! His explanations were right on, and very informative.  And everyone went away with a new outlook, and powerful knowledge. Thanks a bunch, Paul!!


Here are some Demo highlights:

  1. If you’re using photos for reference, always take more than one exposure.  In this digital age this is extremely easy to do.  Take your main photo for shapes and composition.  Take at least two more; one exposure for the highlights and another exposure for the shadows.  The reason is that our eyes see so much more than a camera can.  With several exposures, you will have more information to work with.
  2. Paint from nature.  This will help no matter how you paint, whether it’s representationally or some other form.  It a great way to learn how light and color work — that’s what it’s all about.
  3. I always work my paintings out with sketches on tissue paper, usually the same size as the actual painting.  That way I familiarize myself with the drawing and composition.  Once I’m ok with the tissue drawing, I transfer it to the painting surface.  The end result is often different than the sketches, but I have a firm foundation to work from.
  4. Any kind of artwork is a complex process.  Be patient with yourself.  Be kind to yourself.